When you are building custom multimedia screens, the details really matter. Seem technology is one of the most important details and we have over 60 years experience in helping our customers select the proper seam technology for their specific project.
Standard Seam

In the Standard Seam construction, the seams, where the panels join, shall be overlapped on both axes. Tried and true for over 50 years, this seaming application is the most affordable while maintaining a virtually seamless appearance under projection conditions.
Ultimate Seam

In the patented Ultimate Seam construction, the horizontal seams are treated differently from vertical seams in such a manner as to appear to have no overlap, using a crimped edge method that places the top panel in the recessed strip of the bottom panel. This method will create a seam where the light reflective surfaces of both panels are flush along the horizontal axis. The ultimate seam, as with Astro-Tec’s other seaming method, is virtually seamless under projection conditions.
Ulteria Seam

The Ulteria plus seam is individually faceted panels, trimmed to fit onsite, and placed edge to edge with all light reflective surfaces being flat and flush with two rows of counter sunk rivets.